This Active Bystander training session is students opportunity to get involved, get trained, and play a role in changing campus cultures of sexual violence, including those right here in our own community.
Join us for a free, highly-interactive two-hour session which uses a community responsibility approach to teach bystanders how to safely intervene in instances where an incident may be occuring or where there may be a risk. Through a curriculum developed and evaluated by researchers and teachers*, you will learn a robust and evidence-based set of skills for analysing moments and tools for intervention including how-to:
-IDENTIFY behaviors on a continuum of violence
-DEVELOP empathy for those who have experienced violence
-PRACTICE safe and appropriate intervention skills
-COMMIT to intervene before, during and after an incident of sexual violence, harassment, abuse, or misconduct may occur
This certification can be recorded on your resume/CVs for employment applications, and utilised throughout your university and professional contexts for many years.
*Curriculum developed by the University of New Hampshire’s “Bringing in the Bystander” training program.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened